Jan 14, 2013

Liebster Award Nomination!!

Samantha from Thoughts of a Dreamer nominated me for this award. Thank you Samantha this is exciting! :)

         The rules of the Liebster Award:

1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to the blogger who presented this award to you;

2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees;

3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen. (No tag backs)

4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.
11 questions from Samantha
  1. What's your current favorite book/series?

    My favorite book right now is Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park. Favorite series is Reckless Magicy by Rachel Higginson.

  2. Do you let people borrow your books?

    I do let people borrow my books but prefer to lend them through Kindle. My physical books always seem to have issues after lending.

  3. Do you ever read ebooks? Or do you stick to paper?

    I love my Kindle so I read ebooks all the time!! I own paperbacks/hardbacks too.
  4. Which character would you like to be?

    Good question! I would have to say Bella in Lover Awakened! I have a major crush on Zsadist and Bella is a bad ass! :D

  5. Which character would you like to be your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife?

    I would have to say Professor Emerson from Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard! He's the perfect mixture of sweet and passionate!

  6. What world would you like to slip into and live on forever?

    Hmm...not sure about that...

  7. Do you ever daydream about being a certain character or part of a story?

    All the time! With every book! Don't we all wish we lived in a book world?

  8. What book got you into reading?

    Hmm...Chicken Soup for the teenage soul...that was my first book that I can remember.

  9. What is your favorite genre?


  10. Why did you decide to start blogging?

    To share my passion for books with people!

  11. What's your biggest pet peeve?

    People that take their sweet time.

    11 Random Facts about Christina

    1. I'm married to a wonderful husband that I met online. :)
    2. I love to write poetry 
    3. I write Twilight Fanfiction
    4. I am a Twi-hard
    5. I'm the oldest child of 10 kids
    6. I hate math but excel in it
    7. I'm was a die hard David Archuleta Fan
    8. My dream job is to be a journalist
    9. I own 2 great pitbulls!
    10. I love playing the piano but am not good at it. 
    11. I LOVE The Backstreet Boys

      11 Questions

      1. What is your favorite book/series?
      2. If you could meet one book character who would it be?
      3. What are your Top Favorite series?
      4. Who are your Top Favorite Male Characters?
      5. Why did you start blogging?
      6. What was the last book that made you cry?
      7. What is you favorite romantic gesture from a book?
      8. What is your all time favorite romance book?
      9. Who is your favorite female secondary character in a book?
      10. What five books are you reading this year?
      11. What are you reading now?

    My Nominees
    (Most of the blogs I follow do not meet the criteria)

1 comment:

  1. Is it bad that I love the backstreet boys too?! So glad I don't have nine brothers and sisters though - holidays must be crazy!
